Children are curious about everything that they see, feel and touch. This is a natural phenomenon because they want to learn new things in life. One of the most difficult things for parents is, keeping a leash on their kids at the time when they are hyperactive. To be more precise, parents have to give the right direction to the energy that they feel their kids have within themselves.

There is a wide range of things that parents can ask their kids to do in order to keep them busy. Activities such as writing, reading and colouring are quite essential for grooming the overall development of the children. These activities will also improve their power to focus on the important things. Parents will find that their kids have become more attentive regarding the significant activities that are performed on a regular basis.

Today, the point of discussion is one such activity, i.e., writing. As we all know that writing is an extremely important skill for kids of all ages. It is not just important because children should know how to write, but it is the isolation that is observed in the current times when it comes to writing. Technology has changed the word ‘writing’ to ‘texting’ and kids get more attracted to gadgets than books.

Therefore, it becomes pivotal for parents as well as the teachers or the daycares to ensure that the connection between kids and writing is established, and kids don’t feel it as a burden to write. Most kids start to write when they are enrolled in the daycare centres, so it becomes the duty of the child daycare Newmarket to groom the writing skills of the kids so that they can stand any chance to compete in the tough world that awaits them in the future.

The role of physical writing is alleviated with every passing day, therefore, it is very important for parents and teachers to try every possible thing to bring the craze of writing in kids so that they don’t feel awkward when they enter high schools and colleges.

Ways to ignite the passion for writing in kids

  1. Guess the movie game: There are various games that you can try such as, ‘guess the movie’. In this, you have to think of a movie, then you can write only the vowels and leave the space for other letters. Now, your child has to guess other letters and complete the name.
  2. Write correctly and win rewards: You can ask your child to write the spelling of a particular word in the right way. Don’t shoot heavy and complex words, but keep it simple. Your child will only stay interested until he/she has a good chance of winning. Your main motive is to make your child use the pen/pencil and write.
  3. Write a letter to dear ones: You can give a scenario to your child and tell him/her to write a letter. Like, if your partner lives in another region due to work, then you can have your child write a letter expressing his/her feelings. This will surely help better his/her writing skills.
  4. Write a daily diary: You can ask your kid to write a daily diary and mention all the details of the activities that he/she has done throughout the day. There is no need to emphasize the spelling mistakes, as your child has just started this ‘writing’ thing, but yes, you can politely tell him/her regarding the spelling mistakes.

As a parent, it will your effort combined with the effort of the child care services where your kid spends most of the time in a day. There is no need to push your child to learn quickly how to write, as every child has his/her own speed to gather new knowledge and sooner or later, he/she will acquire it. You just have to make sure that your child remains in the right direction and understand the importance of writing. The above-mentioned tips are definitely going to help your child write in a better way. And, don’t forget to keep in touch with the Diana Daycare Newmarket regarding the same because their participation is equally important.

Why Diana Daycare in Newmarket?

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We devote our energies to creating a fun and loving environment whilst delivering the best in childcare and education

Diana Daycare in Newmarket is considered by many to be the top home Daycare in Newmarket. We offer CCTV (Closed Circuit TV monitoring ) for the entire facility, home-made food and a big NO to junk food as well as no pets and a focus on providing a strong Ontario curriculum.

When children graduate from Diana Daycare in Newmarket, they are prepared for school: they are able to read and write and are completely ready to be integrated into their first grade in school.

That’s why all students from Diana Daycare are always a step ahead compared to the other kids who join their first grade in school.

  • Affordable Daycare
  • Long Day Care
  • Qualified Early Childhood Educator ( Licensed ECE )
  • Family Owned and Operated
  • Air-conditioned premises
  • No smoking facility
  • A positive learning environment for your child
  • Good reputation (satisfied parents – daycare reviews here)
  • Qualified, caring staff
  • Healthy food
  • Clean, safe facilities
  • CCTV Cameras
  • Outdoor playground
  • Indoor Playroom

Do you have any questions? If you do, please be sure to give us a call or send us a message using the form below.